Monday, March 31, 2014

Action heroines get ready… a wave of change is ahead

How to help women succeed | Cassandra Kelly (CEO, Pottinger)

All about women is a festival held at the Opera House, and contrary to the title it is not all about women, but all about humanity (with a gender lens on). One of my favourite quotes explaining this was by an Egyptian father who said “when you make it better for women, you make it better for all of us”.

This talk by Cassandra Kelly made me feel connected with the other women in the room by an invisible thread of purpose and a precious joint quest to build a wave of change. I left feeling like I was in that critical part of an action film when all the good characters get tired of fighting what seems to be losing battle and decide to work together to make something great happen.

Highlight Notes:

1. Behind every successful woman, is another successful woman. We have to help each other. This is the wave we need to build.

2. Look out for opportunities to support women. It can be as easy as “I’ve noticed the good work you are doing…”, “I’ve got your back…”, “I believe you can do that…”

3. Women are untapped resources. You don't need to spend billions to get us out of the ground, we are here and we are good.

4. Build resilience: seek out, give and receive fair and honest feedback.

Wisely Shared: “Ask yourself, how much time am I giving to other women, if the answer is little or none, quite frankly, that is not good enough - who can you support?”. Thank you Cassandra Kelly for starting this wave.

You can find more juicy bits from Cassandra's talk in another piece I wrote here.
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Watch the video: Here
Location: Sydney Opera House on an inspiring sunny day

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